Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Spore Pirated to Avoid DRM

Daily Tech has an article up about consumers getting around the DRM by using pirated copies of Spore. It outlines how EA--in true corporate fashion--continues to point out the "good" points of its DRM while simultaneously misunderstanding what is making consumers angry:

"Electronic Arts appear to miss the point as the backlash is occurring over the fact there is any limit at all and not the number of PCs you are limited to."
They also include an interesting statistic:
"On Saturday, Torrentfreak wrote that the game had already been downloaded more than 500,000 times on BitTorrent sites."


Anonymous said...

It really is rather sad that EA just doesn't get it.

I know a lot of people unfortunately complain all the way to the store to pick up their copy of whatever DRM infected abomination recently came out.

The only thing that will actually communicate people's disdain is abstinence from the problematic software all together. Lost sales is the only way to communicate with a corporate entity.

Ann Asher said...

Good to see you again, Itwy!

It's my belief that the music industry and (now, apparently) the games industry will have to either make some serious changes to their current policies or expect continued losses which may ruin them.

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