Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Wrath of the Lich King Achievement System in Beta

Make no mistake, developers of MMOs have a habit of copying each other. Ars Technica reports that Blizzard is taking a page from Lord of the Rings Online for the upcoming expansion Wrath of the Lich King:

"A beta-tester for WotLK has uncovered a new achievement system currently in testing. Much like the system in Lord of the Rings Online, it appears that players will be able to complete specific in-game objectives, including rudimentary accomplishments, like getting a certain number of kills in PVP or getting to level 15 without dying."

Not sure if the rewards will be retroactive or not. My level 70s have been past level 15 for years now and I'm not sure how often they died, but I've no doubt someone on my server will find a way to mock me for my game acheivements (or lack of them)! Please forgive me, dear readers, it's hard to keep the snark monster at bay all the time. Anyway, browsing through the content at has proven very interesting. Have a look for yourself and see what you think!


Anonymous said...

An achievement system for titles doesn't hold any interest for me. However, if it's achievement for character boosts the way some of the achievements in Lord of the Rings work, I'd be very interested. If Blizzard is thinking of implementing this hopefully they do it right.

Ann Asher said...
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Ann Asher said...

Neither the Blizzard Achievement system nor the LOTRO system are strictly for titles. In fact, there is no mention that Blizzard will give you titles for any achievement. In LOTRO, achievements often give you bonuses that you can choose to increase your characters abilities, but not always.

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