Monday, February 25, 2008

The Buy Off

I was getting my Sims 2 neighborhood ready for the next xpac today--graduating a few sims from college, things like that--and I got a strange interaction. One of the big problems I have with Sims 2 is that whenever a sim flirts, they get crushes almost immediately (at least, they do in my game). So Casanova here (yeah, that's really his name. Don't blame me, blame Maxis. He's a default sim.) got Allegra Gorey more than a little peeved for kissing someone else. Someone else who happened to be his fiancée. This could ruin his graduation party--which he will remember forever, and cry about, because that's what sims do. And that's just annoying. So what bizzare option do I see appear? "Buy Off."

Only $50 to save what's left of my dignity? What have I got to lose? Yeah, I paid it. She took the money, saying, "I'll leave you alone for now." And it occurred to me: What a great type of bully! The girl who pretends to be someone's lover, then demands cash to leave them alone. Fascinating! And so crazy, it just might work.

P.S. The party was ruined anyway. Oh, the memories.

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Saturday, February 23, 2008

Smooth Move!

I have a hard time resisting sim games. When the new xpac for Sims 2, Free Time, comes out next week, I'm going to be right there at some store counter clutching it a thing I need very badly in my greedy little mitts. My honey complains that too much money is spent on them by us or something like that but I'm not sure; I can only make out a muffled whining from him just beyond my awareness when I am working out some complicated aspect of my simulated town. "Aha! So vampires DO like to be tickled," I might exclaim to myself while Countess Kana hides from daylight in the photo booth with the Landraab's eldest boy. Then I discover, sadly, that ventrillo-farts seem to be beyond the pale. No wonder that Landgraab kid groaned before doing it.

But, I digress. Here's this site called MyMiniCity, which a lot of people have learned to hate because their friends are always hounding them to visit it so their cities will grow. You just go directly to the page of the site any city is on and it will grow by visits. As the city gets bigger, more choices like growth of the transportation network or increase in industry become available. But there's no direct control over the placement of buildings or what visitors choose to improve. Where visitors go on the site is entirely up to them, though you can direct them (as in, asking, "Please build my transport! kthx!").

So, I started this little city and we'll see where it goes. Come visit Smooth Move! We have lots of space (And...not much else)!

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