Freebie Friday - The Sims 2 - Spore Outfits
I took some of the content from the fansite kit in the previous post to create goodies for The Sims 2. Took me a lot longer than I thought, too, unfortunately, since I ended up redoing many of the shoes and recreating the womens shirt. But I hate leaving anything half done or looking icky, so there it is. It is available at The Sims Resource. I hope you like these outfits because, now that they're finished, I sure do!
Update: I've decided to host the Sims 2 Freebies on for download every week until they get permanently placed. That way, sites who host my work can approve them or whatever at their pace and you can get the content every Friday. Once they get a permanent home, I'll update the links here. This means that people who come to my site every Friday from now on will get them BEFORE everyone else. Hooray!
Thanks for waiting!
Click here for download!
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