Tips for Sims 2: Fast Skilling and Secret Skills
I've noticed that people often drop by this blog as they look for tips to have more fun with The Sims 2. Some of the searches have brought victims er, guests here eager for knowledge about the lastest expansion, and I'd like to provide some more detailed posts to that end. But today, here are some oldies that I was kind of aware of but never really thought about until it was spelled it out for me: vampire meditation, fast skilling up, and hidden skills (meditation, dancing, yoga, and billiards (aka pool playing) in University). They're posted on The Sims 2 BBS but should be visible to you even if you're not logged in.
Many thanks to Sketch Elder and vibrateforyou for making these detailed posts on the Sims 2 BBS for the community. I'll bet you, dear visitor, will find them as clever as I did!
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